International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation
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Luziana Hoxha

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Luziana Hoxha: Food Research Center, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania.

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Internationally, TTOs are considered to have a crucial role in knowledge transfer from academia to industry. In recent years, Albanian universities have been focusing on establishing and/or enhancing Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) following good international practices. This paper aims to propose a conceptual TTO model that could serve as the basis for developing innovative and effective TTOs in Albanian universities as accelerators of research and innovation. To achieve the main goal of this paper, various TTO models, elements, and activities that have been successfully implemented in various countries have been investigated. The methodology applied is based on the use of a survey for data collection, also considering background data. From the results, the needs and capacities of universities, with a focus on industry and market requirements, were also defined as a model that involved the interaction between common elements and focused mainly on building legitimacy and identity. Regardless of the TTO model, it is crucial that Albanian universities provide training and capacity building for staff in managing intellectual property and commercialization, secure financial support, foster cooperation with industry, improve their quality, and be more responsive to the labor market's needs and requirements. Based on study findings, the proposed model may serve as a good basis for a significant step forward in promoting, developing, or enhancing TTOs in universities. Moreover, the model would foster collaboration between academia and industry, create partnerships, create new opportunities for research, innovation, entrepreneurship, and impact rural development and economic growth in Albania.

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