International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation
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Bello Birchi Abdullahi

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Bello Birchi Abdullahi
Department of Technical Education, Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Katsina-Nigeria

Abdullahi, Bello B. "EXAMINING THE INFLUENCE OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE ON THE INTENTION TO ADOPT ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIOUR." International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation, vol. 2, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2017, pp. 763-771,
Abdullahi, B. B. (2017, November/December). EXAMINING THE INFLUENCE OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE ON THE INTENTION TO ADOPT ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIOUR. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation, 2(6), 763-771. Retrieved from
Abdullahi, Bello B. "EXAMINING THE INFLUENCE OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE ON THE INTENTION TO ADOPT ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIOUR." International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation 2, no. 6 (November/December 2017), 763-771.

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This article reports on a study undertaken to explore the influence of knowledge and attitude, on students' intention to environmentally sustainable behaviour. The study utilized an extension of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to analyze intention to perform behaviour related to environmental sustainability. The extended model incorporated knowledge about environmental sustainability. Two hundred and eighty four (284) respondents Nigerian public polytechnic were analyzed about their knowledge and attitude toward intention to environmentally sustainable behaviour. The result shows that knowledge is practically important and a good predictor of students' intention to environmentally sustainable behaviour (B=0.396), even though attitude maintained a higher position in the predicting power (B =0 .414) to intention. Overall, a significant model emerged (F (2, 282) = 144.219, p< 0.000), with a model that explains 47% variance. In the result, all the two predictor variables (attitude and knowledge) were found to be practically significant in predicting students' behavioural intention to environmental sustainability.

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